If the pilot starts the Balloon Map Pilot App it permanently sends the current balloon location to the system chasers can see the balloon location and their own location on Ballon Map App. This makes chasing the balloon really easy.
The balloon data allows a precise prediction of the landing zone.
Customers and relatives / friends can chase the balloon flight with Balloon Map App (FREE for your Smartphone or Tablet*) or the Internet live. They can see the current location and direction of the ride.
The pilot defines a "Flight ID" before start. You need to know the current Flight ID and the Pilot ID to chase the flight.
As Pilot you can see all your tracks on the Website and download the associated track file in GPX-Format including altitude information.
You can use this track file to analyze your flight in Google Earth or other programs.
With our packaged you can have flexibility. All recorded data will be available after the end of a subscription. Purchase one of these packages in the BalloonMap Pilot App.